Inspiration - Creating fashion illustrations with Florence Bridge

I visited Florence Bridge at her showroom near Oxford Street, where she kindly took the time to show me through her latest collection of her UK-made designs. 

Florence Bridge

Her pieces are ultra-wearable, with graphic, black and white prints in simple cuts.  She focusses on classic shapes, and uses luxury fabrics, embellishment and print to define her brand's signature.  She pointed out small, statement finishes; chunky zips and clasps, layering of textures and use of neon flashes.  I loved the use of metallic leather against pony skin and Mongolian lambswool.

Textures and Details by Florence Bridge

The unique story of this collection is formed from the delicate but graphic print.  Inspired by a black and white art book of tree segments, Florence contacted the artist, to see if she could use his work in her digital silk prints.  Sadly, the artist, Bryan Nash Gill, had passed away but his wife was keen to work with Florence so that the artwork could live on in another form.

I'm creating a couple of fashion illustrations for Florence to celebrate what I think are her stand-out pieces. You can follow my progress on Instagram.

x, Willa